Massage for TBI & Accident Survivors
If you have survived a motor vehicle accident or other collision or TBI, consider the healing qualities of Massage Therapy and Meditation in helping you move past the traumatic experience. I have undergone many of myown symptoms after being struck by a car while commuting on my bicycle.
Your life can change in a split second.
Whether incurring serious injuries or merely a couple of scrapes and bruises, being struck by a 4000 pound metal object is almost always traumatic. Injuries may be complicated and enigmatic, and it can be difficult and confusing to find help when plagued with a concussion, whether from cognitive confusion, limitations of fatigue, or indecision. Even commuting limitations may stop you from seeking help, as driving, cycling, or taking a bus may prove difficult with one's new challenges.
If your injuries are complicated, please take the time to call or write an email to expand on what you would like to get out of a session. We can work together to tailor the therapy to your specific needs, including doing home visits if you are unable to leave your home. Mention upfront if you have a TBI. I am empathetic to the added challenges of communication and processing information. If I don't have time to talk when you call, leave a detailed voice message or email if you are able to look at screens. Or ask someone to help you type a message.
Massage with Meditation
I offer 'Massage with Meditation' to relax the Central Nervous System by quieting the mind as well as creating a safe, compassionate environment for the client in order to work through the trauma. Traumas can get stuck in our bodies, and our muscles can tighten even if we are unconscious of our guarding. A gentle, guided meditation, tailored to each individual, can enhance the healing of Massage Therapy by making our bodies more receptive to the work. This is the case whenever the mind -- conscious or subconscious -- is in an active or heightened state, thereby tensing our muscles or even restricting circulation of our blood or lymph systems. Our body chemistry is affected by our mental state, and these affect the functioning of our body's systems.
In whatever way seems fit for you, please seek care toward your recovery, whether it is from providers like myself or can be fulfilled by self-care in other ways. You are worth it. And your quality of life is the most precious thing you have.
I offer consultations in addition to Massage and Meditation to help people formulate a self-care plan, suitable to their individual tastes and financial resources. Consultations can be done over the phone or in person. Home visits may be possible. Inquire if that is something that you need.
Warmly and compassionately,